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Transport regulations - Annex 2

Appendix 2 . Baggage and Hand Baggage Transportation Rules

1. General Conditions of Baggage and Hand Baggage Transportation

For tickets that do not provide for the free Baggage allowance, the transportation of Checked Baggage shall be subject to the payment of a Charge under the applicable fare bundles.

The cost and procedure for paying for Baggage and Excess Baggage are provided in Fares and conditions. Baggage and Excess Baggage charges shall be levied for each piece of Baggage accepted for transportation.

Mobile phones and personal electronic devices (PEDs) may be carried both in Checked Baggage and in Hand Baggage. When carried in Checked Baggage, these devices shall be turned off, when carried in Hand Baggage, mobile phones and PEDs shall be switched to airplane mode (in the absence of this mode, the device shall be turned off) immediately after the aircraft door is closed before departure.

A stroller or bassinet used to transport a child shall be carried in Baggage free of charge at the rate of one stroller or bassinet per child. Free transportation of the second (including replacement) stroller or bassinet is not provided. The Customer may check in a baby stroller, a bassinet as Baggage at check-in or when boarding the aircraft. Strollers and bassinet shall be necessarily checked in at the check-in desk.

Upon arrival, baby strollers and bassinets shall be collected only in the Baggage claim area or in the oversized Baggage claim area.

Sled strollers and car seats shall be transported only as Baggage at an extra Charge. A soft bassinet (if it can be folded) and/or a kangaroo baby carrier are allowed in the aircraft cabin. The Airline does not provide flight baby bassinets.

It shall be allowed to transport a child car seat/car bassinet in an aircraft seat free of charge when transporting a child under the age of 2 with a separate seat, provided that the car seat/car bassinet has a manufacturer's marking confirming the possibility of its use in air transport, such as: This restrain is certified for use in motor vehicle and aircraft/Approved for aircraft only/This child restraint system conforms to all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle/Safety Standards “TSO-C100B/TSO-C100C”.

During takeoff and landing, as well as when the “fasten seat belts” light panel is turned on, a child under 2 shall be in the arms of the accompanying Customer .

At the request of crew members, on board the aircraft, a check may be carried out for the conformity of the dimensions of hand baggage and personal belongings with the requirements of the Regulations.

2. Items not Accepted or Prohibited for Transportation as Hand Baggage

In order to ensure aviation safety on flights, the Carrier prohibits the transportation of the following items in the aircraft cabin:

  • corkscrews;
  • hypodermic needles (unless medical justification is provided);
  • knitting needles;
  • scissors;
  • any knives;
  • mercury thermometers

If a Customer needs injections during the flight, they will be allowed to take syringes into the aircraft cabin, but only if they provide a corresponding medical certificate.

The Airline does not recommend that Customers carry money, jewelry, precious metals, keys, video cameras, computers, medicines, glasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, watches, mobile phones, personal electronic devices, negotiable securities, securities, other valuables, commercial documents, passports or other identification documents or samples in their Checked Baggage.

The list of items prohibited for transportation as Baggage is specified in Appendix 3 to the Regulations.

3. Transportation of Transfer Baggage to Final Destination

When traveling from all points of departure in the Russian Federation to points of the near and/or far abroad and in the opposite direction in transit through airports in the Russian Federation, the Customer may check in and check in their Baggage for the flights of the Airline right to the final destination, provided that there are no goods in the Baggage that are subject to written declaration in accordance with Resolution of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated December 20, 2017 No. 107, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 637 dated 10.07 .2014 “On the Simplified Procedure for Customs Clearance in Respect of Goods Accepted by an Air Carrier for Transportation in Accompanied Baggage”, as well as other applicable legislation.

The Customer may check in the Baggage right to the final destination of the flight, if they take:

  • domestic flights;
  • from Russia abroad, except for connecting flights via St. Petersburg;
  • from foreign airports with a connecting flight through Vnukovo airport.

The list of goods subject to mandatory written declaration and approved by Resolution of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 107 dated December 20, 2017 "On Certain Issues Pertaining to Goods for Personal Use” can be found by the Customer on the official websites of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Federal Customs Service.

If the Customer flies on flights of other airlines, with the exception of PJSC Aeroflot, and then transfers to a flight of Pobeda Airlines, then regardless of which point of the flight the baggage is checked in, the Customer must receive the baggage at the transit airport and then re-register the baggage for the flight / flights of Pobeda Airlines or joint flights of the Airline Pobeda and PJSC Aeroflot at the check-in desk in the common area of the transit airport.

4. Transportation of Musical Instruments

Musical instruments may be carried both in the baggage compartment and in the aircraft cabin.

Musical instruments may be carried in the aircraft cabin, provided that the Customer has paid for the additional seat required for the transportation of musical instruments at the fares applicable at the time of purchase. The weight of such Baggage shall not exceed 32 kg. Permissible dimensions for transportation in the aircraft cabin in terms of length, width and height shall not exceed 38x40x110 cm accordingly, provided that the Baggage packaging ensures its fastening in the seat with a standard seat belt. Lifting and lowering of Baggage on board the aircraft shall be carried out personally by the Customer. The Customer shall be responsible for the safety of the Baggage during transportation in the aircraft cabin.

Ordering and paying for an additional seat shall be possible only through the Call Center (calls are chargeable). When the Customer purchases an additional seat, the Checked Baggage allowance does not increase.

Musical instruments, the weight and/or dimensions of which exceed the dimensions specified in Clause 4.2 of this Appendix, shall be transported in the baggage compartment at the fares applicable at the time of purchase. The Customer is advised to transport the musical instrument in protective cases that ensure the safety of the musical instrument during transportation.

5. Transportation of Pets

The Airline accepts dogs (including service and guide dogs), cats, ferrets, dwarf rabbits, as well as pet birds for transportation in the aircraft cabin.

Animals (with the exception of those specified in this section), insects, fish seed, reptiles, rodents, experimental and sick animals are not allowed for transportation. In addition, animals, the air transportation of which is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as the legislation of the country, to, from or through the territory of which transportation is carried out, are also prohibited for transportation.

Animals (with the exception of service dogs and guide dogs), regardless of their weight (the total weight of the container (cage) and animal food) are not included in the free Baggage allowance, and transportation thereof shall be paid according to the tariffs published on the Airline Website.

It is prohibited to transport animals without a cage/container, with the exception of service dogs and guide dogs.

On flights departing to the UAE, as well as on flights departing from the Republic of Uzbekistan, the service for transporting animals is not provided, except for service dogs and guide dogs.

Conditions for the transportation of animals, service dogs and guide dogs on the flights of the Airline:


Pets during transportation shall be placed in a special closed-type container (cage) of certain dimensions, providing the necessary convenience during transportation, with air access and a reliable lock, excluding spontaneous opening of the cage in flight. The container (cage) shall have a solid, leak-proof bottom covered with non-toxic absorbent material. The container (cage) shall exclude spillage of the absorbent material. The bird cage shall be covered with a dense light-proof fabric. It shall be allowed to use a carrying bag as a container for transportation in the aircraft cabin. It is recommended to feed and water the animal no later than 2 hours before departure, and be sure to inspect it.

During the flight, the Customer shall be prohibited from releasing the animal from the container (cage) and feeding it.

For the transportation of pets, service dogs and guide dogs, the Customer shall have a veterinary passport with a note on vaccinations, as well as other documents provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties and the legislation of the country to, from or through which the animals are carried.

A number of countries have special rules for the import of animals. The Airline recommends that the Customer in advance inquire into the current rules for importing animals into the country of destination.

For international flights, the Customer is recommended to issue an online veterinary certificate to reduce the time for passing veterinary control at the airport. The Customer may get familiarized in detail with the requirements for the transportation of animals, including the necessary documents, on the official website of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance.

Animals shall be accepted for transportation provided that the Customer bears full responsibility for them. The Customer shall comply with all the requirements of the Carrier and reimburse the Carrier for losses and additional expenses that may occur during the transportation or in connection with the transportation of animals (inter alia, due to non-compliance with the rules of the Carrier, causing harm and damage to the Carrier’s property, its employees, as well as due to harm to the health and property of other Customers).

The Carrier shall not be liable for bodily injury, illness, death of transported pets, loss, delay in delivery during the transportation through other countries or territories, as well as for refusal to import or transport the same through any country or territory.

6. Transportation of Sports Equipment

For an extra fee, the Customer may issue check in sports equipment as special Baggage.

The Customer can carry:

ski equipment: one set of skis or a snowboard with additional equipment (boots, helmet, goggles) packed in one or two separate cases, no more than two sets per person.

At the same time, within the scope of the included Baggage allowance for the Advantageous and Maximum fare bundles, one piece of Baggage may be replaced with one set of skis or a snowboard with gear (boots, helmet, goggles) packed in one or two separate cases.

Total weight and dimensions of ski equipment:

  • for the Advantageous fare bundle, weight of up to 10 kg, no more than 203 cm in the sum of three dimensions;
  • for the Maximum fare bundle, weight up to 20 kg, no more than 203 cm in the sum of three dimensions

The total number of pieces of Baggage within the Advantageous and Maximum fare bundles, including ski equipment may not exceed two;

bicycle:  in a case or package with a total weight of no more than 20 kg, size not more than 203 cm in the sum of three dimensions, prior booking is required;

fishing equipment:   packed in one container (case), two fishing rods and one set of tackle per person.

All other sports equipment, except as described above, shall be checked in as ordinary or oversized Baggage.

All types of helmets exceeding 36 x 30 x 27 cm shall be checked in as Baggage.

7. Receipt and Delivery of Checked Baggage

The Customer shall pick up their Checked Baggage as soon as it becomes possible to receive it at the destination. Checked Baggage shall be stored free of charge at the airport to which it is to be delivered according to the Air Transportation Contract for two days, including the day of arrival of the aircraft on which the Checked Baggage is delivered.

Further storage of Checked Baggage shall be provided by the Carrier or handling company. The expenses for the storage of Checked Baggage not claimed by the Customer within the period stipulated by this Clause shall be reimbursed by the Customer in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

If the Checked Baggage with a properly issued numbered Baggage Tag arrives at the airport (point) of destination and is not received/claimed by the Customer, the Airline will search for the owner of the Checked Baggage.

If the owner of the Checked Baggage is found, the Airline will serve a written notice about the need to collect the Baggage and the procedure for receiving or delivering the Baggage.

Checked Baggage shall be stored for six months from the date of sending a notice to the owner of the Checked Baggage about the need to collect the Baggage, and if the owner of the Checked Baggage is not found, from the day the aircraft arrives at the airport.

If the Customer fails to pick up the Checked Baggage after the specified period, the Baggage may be sold or destroyed in accordance with the procedure stipulated by the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.

Only a person who has the relevant Baggage identification tag may receive the Checked Baggage. If the recipient of the Checked Baggage is unable to present and/or identify the Baggage by means of the Baggage identification tag, the Airline will hand over the Baggage only after the sufficient proof of entitlement to such Baggage has been provided.

In case of loss, shortage or damage of Baggage, a Customer shall contact the Baggage tracing service staff before leaving the arrival area and fill out a special form.

Missing baggage tracing shall be carried out within 21 days from the date of receipt of the request from the Customer. If the baggage is not found within 21 days, the Customer may submit a written claim to the Carrier. The Carrier shall decided on monetary compensation and its amount based on the provisions of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the Warsaw Convention and regulatory documents of the Airline.

For loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of Checked Baggage, hand baggage and Baggage carried in the aircraft cabin, the Airline shall be liable (unless otherwise provided by applicable law and the Airline's Transportation Regulations) in the amount of the value thereof, and if it is impossible to establish such value – in the amount not exceeding eleven thousand rubles.

8. Priority Service

The Priority service allows the Customer to go through the control procedure at the gate at the airport and board the aircraft on a priority basis.

The service includes the right to carry in the aircraft cabin one additional piece of Baggage not exceeding 115 cm in the sum of three dimensions (length, width, height), provided that the weight characteristics of the Baggage allow it to be safely placed in the aircraft cabin.

One Customer has the opportunity to purchase no more than one service on the Airline flight. The Priority service shall be provided to the Customer in whose name it is issued.

Purchasing the service in an existing Booking shall be possible only when the Customer contacts the Call Center (calls are chargeable), at the check-in desk or at the control desk at the boarding gate at the airport. The cost shall be refunded in accordance with the rules for applying the fare for which the air transportation is issued.

The number of Priority services available for purchase on one flight shall not exceed 10. The Airline may refuse to issue the Priority service to the Customer if there is no free space in the aircraft cabin necessary for the safe placement of the Customer's Baggage.